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Our research focuses on the fabrication and exploration of 2D heterostructures. We specialize in the exfoliation and stacking of 2D materials, pairing state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques with optical and transport measurements to uncover the rich physics within these systems. Our primary interests lie in single-photon emitters and electrostatically defined quantum dots, both of which hold significant promise as foundational elements for developing a quantum network.

Quantum dots in bilayer graphene

In this project, we will leverage the interlayer coupling of bilayer graphene to induce a bandgap opening by applying a perpendicular electric field [1], [2]. By fabricating a series of gates, we will fully deplete a quantum dot and subsequently load it with individual charge carriers. This setup allows for the creation of a spin-valley qubit, in which relaxation times exceeding 30 seconds have been measured [3]. In the long term, we aim to integrate these quantum dots with one of our single-photon emitter platforms, enabling us to explore the potential for optical access to the quantum information of the local qubit.

[1] Eich, M. et al. Coupled Quantum Dots in Bilayer Graphene. Nano Lett. 18, 5042–5048 (2018).

[2] Kurzmann, A. et al. Excited States in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Dots. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 026803 (2019).

[3] Denisov, A. O. et al. Ultra-long relaxation of a Kramers qubit formed in a bilayer graphene quantum dot arXiv:2403.08143 (2024).

Strain-induced SPEs in TMDs

SPEs in h-BN defects

Graphene nanoribbons