Prof. Dr. Thomas Lorenz
- thermodynamic and transport properties of correlated electron systems
- low-dimensional magnetism and quantum spin systems
- (unconventional) superconductors
- interplay of charge, spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom
- transiton-metal oxides
- single-crystal growth
Scientific career
Apl. Professor:
May 2015, University of Cologne
January 2010, University of Cologne
Anomalous Behavior of Spin Liquids: Thermodynamics and Heat Transport
October 1999 until September 2002: Scientific Assistant at the Institute of Physics II, University of Cologne
October 1998 until September 1999: Post-Doc in the Oxide Spin Electronic Network (OXSEN) at the Laboratoire de l'Etat Solide and the Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale, Universite Paris-Sud, France. Research field: single crystal growth and studies of the magnetotransport properties of doped rare earth manganites and cobaltates.
July 1998, University of Cologne
Thesis: Thermodynamische Eigenschaften des Spin-Peierls-Systems CuGeO3 (ISBN 3-8265-4179-0)
Referees: Prof. Dr. R. Gross, Prof. Dr. A. Freimuth & Prof. Dr. A Klümper
July 1994, University of Cologne
Thesis: Aufbau eines Magnetkryostaten und Messungen der thermischen Ausdehnung von La1.87Sr0.13CuO4 im transversalen Magnetfeld
Referees: Prof. Dr. H. Micklitz, Prof. Dr. E. Müller-Hartmann
University studies:
1990-1994 University of Cologne, Germany
1989-1990 University of Vienna, Austria
1987-1989 University of Freiburg, Germany
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