Advanced Seminar SS 2025
Current topics of Experimental Condensed Matter Research
Mo. 14:00-15:00 h at the II. Physikalisches Institut, University of Cologne.
The subject of the Advanced Seminar is to introduce some current topics of the condensed matter research of the various experimental research groups at the Institute of Physics II of the University of Cologne. The idea is that in each talk one or two recent publications about the research topic will be presented by the students. The aim of the talks is to present the basic new findings of these publications, to give an overview about the scientific background of the corresponding research field and to discuss the used experimental techniques.
possible seminar talks
In summer term 2024 possible subjects of the seminar talks are offered from the following fields:
- Polar vortices and skyrmions in ferroelectric heterostructures
- Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of magnetic and orbital excitations
- Modifying Properties of Materials Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses
- Inducing superconductivity in a 1D edge state
- Thermal Hall effects in insulating materials
- Magnetic field induced critical dynamics in magnetoelectric TbPO4
- Polarized neutron scattering on the candidate Kitaev material RuCl3
- Spin state and order investigated with spin-polarized STM
- Single electron sources
- …
Organisational meeting
On Monday, April 14th at 14:00 we plan an organisational meeting in the Seminar Room 202 of the II. Physikalisches Institut. Note that the Advanced Seminar in Condensed Matter Physics is offered every 2nd semester. that is, there will be will no Condensed Matter Physics seminar in winter term 25/26.
If you are interested in this Advanced Seminar you are asked to pre-register in advance of the organisational meeting in order to facilitate the organisation: