Prof. Dr. Joachim Hemberger
2 h lectures: Thursday 10.00-11.30
seminar room "II. Physikalisches Institut"
start: Thursday, April 20th, 2017
Lecture notes
20.04. - Introduction
27.04. - Basics
04.05. - More Basic
11.05. - Dia- & Paramagnetism
18.05. - Localized moments
01.06. - Experimental methods
22.06. - VanVleck & Pauli Paramagnetism
29.06. - Ferromagnetic order
06.07. - Weiss model for (anti-)ferromagnets
13.07. - spin waves in ferromagnets
20.07. - spin ice
27.07. - spin waves in antiferromagnets
This lecture contains the chapters
- basic magnetic properties and units
- magnetism of free atoms
- magnetic ions in the crystal lattice
- itinerant magnetism
- magnetic order and excitations
- special aspects: bio-magnetism
- R. Gross & A. Marx ""Festkörperphysik" (Oldenbourg)
- Ch. Kittel "Festkörperphysik" (Oldenbourg)
- Ashcroft/Mermin "Solid state physics" (Saunders)
- Bergmann, Schaefer "Festkörper" (De Gtruyter)
- J.B. Goodenough "Magnetism and the Chemical Bond" (Wiley)
- P. Fazekas "Lecture notes on electron correlation & magnetism" (World Scientific)
- S. Blundell "magnetism in condensed matter" (Oxford University Press)
more literature