PD Dr. Thomas Lorenz
2 h lectures: Thursday 10.00-11.30
seminar room 201 of II. Physikalisches Instituts
start: Thursday, April 10, 2014
Lecture notes
Note: due to the public holiday on 1st of May lecture 04 is shifted to Monday, Apr. 28th at 14:00 in the same seminar room 201
there are no lectures on June, 12 due to the lecture-free week related to Pfingsten and on June 19, which is a public holiday (Fronleichnam).
- S. Blundell "magnetism in condensed matter" (Oxford University Press)
- Ashcroft/Mermin "Solid state physics" (Saunders)
- Ch. Kittel "Festkörperphysik" (Oldenbourg)
- K.H. Hellwege "Festkörperphysik" (Springer)
- R. Gross & A. Marx ""Festkörperphysik" (Oldenbourg)
- A.H. Morrish "Physical principles of magnetism" (Wiley)
- R. M. White "Quantum theory of magnetism" (McGraw-Hill)
- J.H. van Vleck "Theory of electric and magnetic susceptibilities" (Oxford University Press)
- P. Fazekas "Lecture notes on electron correlation & magnetism" (World Scientific)
- J.D. Jackson "Classical electrodynamics" (Wiley)
- F. Schwabl "Quantenmechanik I & II" (Springer)