Prof. Dr. Markus Grüninger
2 h lectures (Wednesday, 10.00-11.30, Seminarraum 201, II. Physikalisches Institut)
Start: Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Lecture Notes
10.10.12 Introduction and basic properties (part 1)
17.10.12 basic properties (part 2)
24.10.12 basic properties (part 3)
31.10.12 basic properties (part 4), with experiment
7.11.12 basic properties (part 5)
14.11.12 basic properties (part 6)
21.11.12 basic properties (part 7)
28.11.12 London equations (part 1)
5.12.12 London equations (part 2)
12.12.12 materials (part 1)
19.12.12 materials (part 2)
9.1.13 BCS (part 1)
16.1.13 BCS (part 2)
23.1.13 BCS (part 3)
30.1.13 BCS (part 4)
- M. Tinkham: Introduction to Superconductivity
- J.R. Waldram: Superconductivity of Metals and Cuprates
- W. Buckel, R.Kleiner: Supraleitung
- J. F. Annett: Superconductivity, Superfluids and Condensates