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Advanced Seminar WS 2017/2018

"Experimental techniques for condensed matter physics: new developments"

Mo. 14:00-15:00 h at the Seminar Room 201 of the II. Physikalisches Institut, University of Cologne.

In this advanced seminar we want to introduce modern experimental techniques that are used in condensed matter research.
The experimental techniques cover a wide range from macroscopic thermodynamic and (magneto-)transport properties via diffraction techniques to various types of spectroscopies, e.g., dielectric, optical, Raman or neutron spectroscopy. In addition, time-dependent pump-probe measurements, surface sensitive techniques like scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, or more device-related thin-film techniques will be discussed. The idea is that each talk should concentrate on some special kind(s) of experimental methods and explain its technical realization. In addition, some example(s) should be given where these experimental techniques has been used to give new insights in current condensed matter research.